Circuit Breaker of Royalwood
Sire: Ch. Hoheneichen's Flag, ROM Dam: Hanna of Fran-Jo, ROM

  Breaker has a total of 15 AKC Points and one Major but lacked his second Major to finish his AKC Title. Due to a leg injury that required recuperation, Breaker retired to being a therapy dog at Transitional Nursing Home in 1997 to present.

  Breaker would have been 11 years old this year. He may have been grey around the muzzle, but he had a strong spirit that kept him young. I believe it was the pups born here that he helped to raise that kept Breaker young at heart.
  It is with great sadness that I must inform you that Circuit Breaker of Royalwood crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. 5/03/01. He will be missed more than mere words can express. Goodnight old man..All dogs run in heaven.

"Memories Keep Those We Love Close to Us Forever"
Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments
of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that you shared and spent together,
and they keep the one you loved
close to you in spirit and thought.
The special moments
and memories in your life
will never change.
They will always be in your heart,
today and forevermore.
-Linda E. Knight

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